Return & Exchange

We use standard US & EUR sizes to help you pick the perfect size. However If you want to swap your pairs for another size or another design you may ship it to House of Vitti India, 13/7, Lower Ground Floor, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008 within 30 Days in its original box packing and the invoice. Please mention your desired exchange piece along with the size on the invoice as well. You may also mail us on for the same. We do not entertain refund & cancellation requests.

COD available in India, We charge 199 per pair.

Pairs bought on SALE price will not be exchanged or returned.

We do not entertain refunds & exchanges on International orders.

Please Note- During festivals, Pandemics or adverse weather conditions your shipment could get delayed. We ensure you that we will try our best to have your parcel delivered to you in good time.